Channel: Martin Börjesson – futuramb blog
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Nine areas of change, which are “rewinding” our society (to the Middle Ages)?

To be able to say something about the future in turbulent and redefining times as we are now, you have to revisit history. Since we can trace the birth of many of our defining concept of this society...

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What can we learn from Asimov’s Foundation trilogy?

The other weekend I reread Asimov‘s Foundation trilogy, one of the brilliant books that might have influenced me to work within the area of foresight. In these times it might be appropriate to use one...

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Why is there a decline of healthy lifestyle?

Today FuturePundit reports about the decline in healthy life style in the US. Investigators from the Department of Family Medicine, Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston compared the results...

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Neoteny and the status of humanity

Sometimes a single word can spark a whole new set of thoughts. That is what the term neoteny did to me in the beginning of the summer. So, you don’t know what neoteny is? Neither did I until an...

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Don Tapscott on Internet and end of recession

Don Tapscott, is stating the paradigmatic effect of Internet on the whole society in this short and radical movie. He states that: The web is creating a global infrastructure for collaboration (which...

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Why knowledge is destroyed with fall of civilizations

It is a bit weird that it is much more easy to write things in the unstructured and undemanding link stream i e my Tumblr feed, than to write things here. I will try to change that… For some time I...

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Do we really believe in science: the emergence of truthiness

In an article in the Guardian the other day Georg Monbiot wonders why climate change denial is spreading in spite of what the scientific community states: A survey last month by the Pew Research Centre...

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Merry Christmas & Happy New Year (decade)

A combined Christmas card and a reminder about that the future comes from an different direction than where you look!. Tweet

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Uncertainty foster trust

When I hold lectures and speeches about the future I have recently built the talks around the concept of “transition society” as an framing image. It is really hard not to overemphasize the increasing...

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The emergence of Neurocapitalism? No, but close!

The development in the area of neurology is exploding and is spreading to new areas every day. It is inevitable that it will have huge implications on our society, and today I saw a new interesting...

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